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    VPA-907伟德BETVLCTOR小包装机 VPA-928A伟德BETVLCTOR小包装机 VPA-928G伟德BETVLCTOR高速小包装机 VPA-908D伟德BETVLCTOR草类小包装机 VPA-905AB半自动智能小包装机 VPA-907B伟德BETVLCTOR大包装机 VPA-929A伟德BETVLCTOR高配大包装机 VPA-929E伟德BETVLCTOR草类大包装机 VPA-907BG半自动大包装机 VPA-906AD伟德BETVLCTOR配方颗粒包装机(小袋) VPA-906AC伟德BETVLCTOR颗粒包装机(中大袋) VPA-905BD伟德BETVLCTOR单列粉剂包装机 VPA-P4L伟德BETVLCTOR多列粉剂/颗粒剂包装机 VPA-905AD伟德BETVLCTOR粉剂包装机 VPA-905A伟德BETVLCTOR种子/丸剂包装机 VPA-SJB01内外袋包装机 VPA-SJB02伟德BETVLCTOR三角袋包装机 VPA-200D给袋式包装机 VPA-100高精度动态检重秤 伟德BETVLCTOR节能烘干机 分页打码机/紫外激光机 热转印智能打码机

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  • product details
  • VPA-906AD formula granule automatic packaging machine

    Granule automatic packaging machine is an intelligent automatic packaging machine independently developed and produced by our company. It has automatic start vacuum feeding, automatic quantification (servo motor adjustment measuring cup capacity), automatic bag making, filling, automatic vacuum collection, sealing and printing. , cutting and delivery of finished products. Siemens PLC program control, touch screen man-machine interface, six sets of servo system drive, photoelectric automatic detection and tracking, analog input module control temperature control system, frequency conversion and vacuum collection, etc., make the operation of the whole machine intelligent and simple. The pharmaceutical packaging industry improves production efficiency and packaging grade, and greatly reduces labor intensity. It is the preferred packaging equipment for pharmaceutical companies.

    1. Quantitative servo (not only convenient, but also lays the foundation for future automatic network setting parameters (loading)

    2. Optimize dust treatment through the practice of bottling lines,

    And have an optional vacuum cleaner

    3. Alternative traceability system

    4. There are optional system options for the industrial computer, which is very convenient when using data (industrial 4.0 transformation)

    5. Can be matched with the bag packaging system

